Newsletter-Friday, 26 April 2024

Principal's Message

Dear West Island community,

The rain and thunderstorm of the week have not wavered our community strength in being open to everything steadfast and exciting.

For sports this week, congratulations to U14A boys for winning in the Monday HKSSF final. Please read on to find out more about our students' sports achievements over the week. 

Also on Monday, the blood donation went smoothly. Thank you to all the students, parents and staff who took part in it. And a special thank you to Dr Carol Song for making it happen at the school.

In this week's newsletter, we look at what the GCSE art students have to say about their artworks shown in Tuesday's exhibition. Each of their sketchbooks in the exhibition have shown the individual journey they have been on for exploring themes, self-expression and experimenting with techniques. Thank you to the art faculty members for nurturing these students and helping them achieve their artistic visions.

On Wednesday's Year 11 graduation, we celebrated our students' growth into the wonderful young people they have become. Students - as GCSE exams start today, while you put in the work into exam preparations, please also know that your scores do not define you as a person or your success. And remember to enjoy your time too; As you look back on today in years to come, the memories you have made can be what truly stay with you. 

Thank you to Mr Guy Hewson and Ms Elaine D'souza, Ms Jo Besisira-Williams, all the Year 11 tutors, as well as all those involved in the Year 11 graduation.

Please read on as we share more about our students' achievements, activities and what more have been taking place at West Island this week.

Have a lovely weekend.

Vicki Hallatt


Photos by Multimedia Display&Events Coordinator Ivo Lipanovic

Year 11 Graduation

Photos by Multimedia Display&Events Coordinator Ivo Lipanovic


Boys C Grade Basketball wins HKSSF Interschool final

Boys C Grade Basketball Team were crowned Champions of the HKSSF Interschool Basketball Competition on Monday.

Photos by Multimedia Display&Events Coordinator Ivo Lipanovic

WIS U16 and U20 Athletics team crowned ISSFHK overall Athletics Champion

Congratulations to the WIS U16 and U20 Athletics team who became ISSFHK overall Athletics Champion. 

The day was filled with numerous personal bests, individual medal winners and a superb whole team effort. The PHE team are extremely proud of the athletes' support and encouragement of each other throughout the day. 

In individual age groups WIS placed as follows: U16 girls 1st, U20 girls 1st, u16 boys 3rd and U20 boys 2nd.

U14 Boys Badminton team wins silver at ISSFHK fixture

The U14 boys badminton team won the silver medal at the ISSFHK badminton competition on Tuesday 16th April. Thank you to Mr Jerry Barretto for his supervision and guidance

The students are:

Saivikas Narayanan 7H2

Steve Chan 9H2

Matthew Chan 8Q2

Tyler Sze 9T2

Malik Cheuk 9T1

Kian Horseley 9Q2

B Grade Girls Badminton qualified for the HKSSF badminton playoffs

The B grade girls badminton team qualified for the HKSSF badminton playoffs.  It was a hard-fought match and came down to the final game. WIS unfortunately lost but congratulations to the girls for a great effort and season. Thanks to coach Pok for his guidance. 

The students are:

Anushka Dutt 9S2

Meryl Cheng 9Y2

Sofia Liao 9M2

Ojaswini Virmani 9T2

Louise Chan 9Y2

Angel Yu 9Y2

Kallie Wong 7S2

First week of CAS this term

K-Pop Dance Workshop 

WIS Singer 



Creative Chinese Debate

Scholastic Chess

Cooking 101

Minecraft Club

Bethune House

The Torch

Photos by Multimedia Display&Events Coordinator Ivo Lipanovic

WIS students at scout camp

Last week, the first district-wide scout camp held in 4 years where scouters aged 6 to 16 from the English speaking district, The Silver Jubilee Group, got together for a weekend of fun and camaraderie. Please see below for WIS students' photos at the camp.

Hong Kong Mathematics Kangaroo Contest 2024

On Thursday 11 April, 60 students from West Island joined more than 6 million worldwide from over 80 countries in what is claimed to be the largest school competition in the world - the Mathematical Kangaroo!

With Contest questions promoting problem-solving, critical thinking and mathematical inquiry, this prestigious competition is a wonderful way to engage and extend students with a passion for mathematics!

Thank you to The Magic Square Association and HKUST for organising and providing the Classviva platform that allows this contest to run smoothly and free of charge in Hong Kong!

Blood donation

On Monday, April 22, West Island School successfully hosted a blood drive for the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service. We are thankful to the teachers, support staff, Year 11 and 12 students, parents, and the staff from Kennedy School, who all came together to make this drive a success. 85 units of blood were donated at the drive, beating WIS’s target of 80 units! There are no alternatives to blood, so these donations can go a long way in saving lives. 

This was the first donation experience for many. Olicia Choy (12M2) said, “I’m nervous but excited!” She added that she’d “heard that the finger pricking (when testing for haemoglobin levels) is more painful than the donation itself”. Chloe Leung (12T2) shared a similar outlook, adding that “it was a good experience”, and she “wanted to help save lives”. Ms Cunliffe, an experienced donor, shared that she liked doing her part to help the community and that the process was quite quick. Her top tip for first-time donors? Look away when they insert the needle!

Special thanks to Dr Song for leading the Blood Drive. Shoutout to Alena Kiu (12Q3), Megan Ho (12M3), Chloe Young (12S1), Tanvi Shadija (12T3), Kaitlin Tse (12Y2), and Abigail Tong (12Y3) for being student helpers when organising the drive, and helping out on the day.

written by Sahana Iyer (12S3)

Year 7 student wins art awards

Year 7 student Scarlett Dang won the following art awards for her two artworks. Please see below for the award certificates and winning artworks.

Performing arts audition

Year 6 transition talk at Kennedy School

At Coffee Morning at Kennedy School this week, Mr Guy Hewson talked to year 6 parents about transition to year 7. 

Higher Education and Careers

University Visits @ WIS: Open for students only  (only for the Year 11s, 12s and 13s)

University of Nottingham

20 May 2024 -  Time 01:20 pm to 02:05 pm | Venue: C402

For details on University Visits and Webinars, please click Here

For more details on External events and Summer programmes please visit the school website

Year 13 

We have received over 760 documented successful offers/admissions from 9 countries to date.

Year 12 

Cycle 1 - we introduced the students to the department, provided them with the timeline for Years 12 and 13, outlined the objectives of the course, and discussed how to research universities and courses. The slides have been shared with students via Google Classroom and to parents by email.

Cycle 2 - we gave an overview of international applications, the application procedure, and platforms and ways to research for countries such as The UK, US, Hong Kong, and Canada. 

Cycle 3 - we introduced students to choosing universities and factors to consider when choosing one. We also introduced them to the Reach-Match-Safety strategy.

Cycle 4 - students used the Reach-Match-Safety strategy and worked on their university list.

Cycle 5, 6 and 7 - students have been introduced to the concept of a brag sheet and its various elements.

Cycle 8 and 9 - students were introduced to how to write a personal statement and essays for their university applications. They were also provided with an explanation of the UAG (university application grade).

The Higher Education team supports students with applications to all countries. Students are requested to reach out to their Higher Education Counsellors for any advice or support required.

The HE Team will be conducting 2 more parent information sessions this term

May 30th - Introduction to the HK and UK application processes

June 12th - Introduction to the US and Canadian application process 

Please sign up via the link HERE if you have not already done so.

Eco Week thank-you note