Newsletter-Friday, 19 January 2024

Dear West Island community,

We are just the second week into the term, and our young people are already showing a commitment to being responsible for themselves and others through service and action. 

Year 7s took sustainable action on Tuesday. Instead of discarding items that would go to the landfill sites in Hong Kong, they swapped their unwanted possessions with each other, giving these possessions a new lease on life whilst reminding us about the importance of recycling. 

Last Saturday and Sunday, a group of students took action by debating pertinent real-world issues with other young people across Hong Kong at the Model United Nations conference. Thank you to Ms Nichola Giddings for being with the students throughout the weekend. Please read on for more details of the conference. 

We welcomed back fifteen of our IB Diploma Geography students from a Field Trip to Thailand in the first week of term.  In addition to working on their Internal Assessments, the students also engaged in service, visiting Thomas House -- a centre for people of any age with special needs and mental disabilities. Thank you to Mr Alex Murchie and Ms Devine Costa for leading the trip.  

Sports action continues at a pace, with our young people showing determination, teamwork, and skill through their commitment to sports. Thank you to the PE team and teaching staff who coach and accompany teams. Go West Island! 

Looking ahead to the weekend, several students are performing at Sunday’s AIA carnival, bringing people together through their musical talents.  Thank you to all those involved and to Mr Ben Jolly and Ms Leigh Dalgarno for accompanying the groups.  In addition to music,  we have several teachers and a few students running the Standard Charter full or half marathon on Sunday. We wish you well with this challenging but rewarding endeavour.  Parents- do let us know if you take part.  

Thank you to the head students for taking action and organising next week’s Culture Week, where they aim to “Celebrate our own, each others’ and West Island’s culture.”  We look forward to bringing year groups together through next week’s activities. 

On the theme of being responsible for ourselves and others, Mental Health Week will take place from February 26, including workshops for parents led by external health professionals on Thursday 29 February from 6 pm onwards Please indicate your interest by filling out a short form here. More details about the week will be announced in next week’s newsletter.

Last but not least, this past week, we have been adorning our school with Chinese New Year decorations.  Many thanks to our facilities staff Simon Tai and Chi Cheung for putting the decorations in place.

With best regards

Clare Haworth

Interim Principal

Culture Week activities

Thailand philanthropy trip 

Last week, fifteen of our IB Diploma Geography students attended a Field Trip to Thailand, in which they collected data from the Muang Ngam River for their Internal Assessment. 

In addition to their fieldwork, the students also visited Thomas House, a centre for people of any age with special needs and mental disabilities. The children mainly come from hill tribes and Shan families without proper identification papers, and their families often face stigma for caring for a child with differences. Our students learned about the mission of Thomas house, and played games and interacted with the students. 

To support Thomas House, using money from the Year 13 Geography cohort’s WIS Christmas Fair stall, our students went to a local market and bought a variety of hand-made products including tote bags, wallets and jewellery designed, made and curated by the local people. These items will be sold in the upcoming WIS Spring Bazaar, and proceeds will go towards Thomas House to support their efforts and initiatives. A portion of the proceeds will be used as a budget for next year’s Geography cohort to buy new products to sell at future WIS events so that the fundraising can continue in a sustainable manner. 

A big shout out to Yunfan Wu in year 13 Geography who worked tirelessly to get this service learning project off the ground last term. The Year 12 class are looking forward to continuing to build upon the great start you and the year 13 team made and raising lots more money in the next 12 months.

Photos by student photographer Christopher Teoh

Y7 Sustainable Swap Shop 

On Tuesday 16th January 2024, the Technology faculty hosted West Island Schools annual ‘Sustainable Swap Shop’ for Year 7 students.

This year's Sustainable Swap Shop event was extremely successful. Year 7s traded a wide range of reusable but unwanted items whilst learning about how to be ‘Green Consumers’ moving forward. Students brought in board games, books, toys, sports equipment, fashion accessories and more! We had over 100 items and students were excited to trade with their peers and take home something ‘new’ to them. 

Student Claire Lee said it was a fun experience to look at all the items that students brought. “Just because it’s not used, doesn’t mean it’s useless,” Claire said.

Thank you to the Technology faculty team for organising this event & to Year 7 tutors and parents for supporting the project.

Call to VOTE for student artwork 

The artwork "It All Advances to a Blur" by our student Alyssa Mallorca (winner of the Hong Kong Sovereign Art Prize Hong Kong 2023) has been shortlisted for the Sovereign Art Prize ‘Global’ prize 2024. 

Please kindly vote for Alyssa Mallorca’s artwork ("It All Advances to a Blur") here.

We ask the public voting to be completed by Friday 26 January 2024 as the winner will be announced on Monday 5 February 2024. 

WIS Bazaar 

-Donations of pre-loved Books, games, new goods

The PTA is starting to collect donations that can be sold at the WIS Bazaar on Saturday, 2nd March, 2024. 

Collection Point - Main office, 6th Floor, during school hours, before Thursday, 22nd Feb 2024.

Kindly look into your closets, cupboards, shelves and donate 

Please note: The donations must be clean and in good condition for resale.

Making a cash or in-kind donation $$$

You can indicate how you would like to contribute on this form.

This year, the donation could be made in two different ways:

1. If you have in kind donations (food to donate, baked goods, supplies for henna, face painting etc.) please let us know on the form.

2. You can make an EFT / Bank Transfer to West Island School: 
* HSBC Account number 111-146536-017 (Please email the receipt to so we can allocate your donations to the Bazaar) 

All proceeds of the Bazaar will go towards the 2023/2024 PTA fund for school improvement projects.

Any queries, please e-mail:

Sign up to volunteer on the day of the Bazaar 

There are over 200 volunteer opportunities to help at the Bazaar. You can offer your time on the day or bring in baked goods. Please click here to sign up. 

Together, we will make the Bazaar a fun filled event for our school community!  

Thank you! And we look forward to seeing you at the Bazaar!

Educational talk about period poverty 

Today, as part of their Project Based Learning Curriculum, Year 9 were privileged to attend a talk from Kotex Hong Kong and Plan International about the global issue of period poverty. Delivered by Stella Chun (a WIS parent and General Manager of Kimberly Clark HK) and Kanie Siu (CEO of Plan International), the interactive session explored the stigma many girls face around menstruation, normalising periods and learning about the plight of females in countries that, due to cultural, social and historical reasons, experience limitations on their life outcomes due to menstruation. The talk was designed to introduce students to real life global issues as they begin their journey into the Community Project, a core element of their MYP curriculum, after Chinese New Year.

Student Eloisa Deayton said:“ I had never heard of period huts before so it is interesting to hear about people who suffer from period poverty. All of us here can afford sanitary products so as we are privileged we have a responsibility to teach people about period poverty. 

Saya Barickman said she learned that some parents in places like Nepal and Bangladesh want to support their daughters but don't have the money or education to support them.

Student Clyth Tan said “It was important to learn about period poverty and it's important boys learn about this issue so girls don't feel so alone.”

Students to perform at AIA Carnival 

West Island School bands will be performing at the AIA Festival on Sunday 21st January.

The three bands are: Ethereal, Curbside and Cold Blue Potato Chips.

Performances will be at 3 pm on Community Main Stage @ AIA Carnival - Central Harbourfront Event Space.

Student drummer Nicholas Tran is in one of the bands called Curbside. Nicholas said:“I have performed a lot in jazz band, Star Search, and other bands before this but playing with this band has been a lot of fun…I feel that the performance can help further develop my communication skills as performing will help increase my confidence which allows me to play with less mistakes and therefore make the audience enjoy the songs even more!”

The student performers are: Hayley Graham, Magnus Wong, Jodian Law, Christen Lau, Bryan So, Nicholas Tran, Gabriel Yuen, Tasha Ngan, Madelyn Lee, Shing Li, Ayrton Tong.

Sports fixtures 

U12 boys basketball

Boys basketball (U12) won the ISSFHK Basketball Boys fixture on Tuesday, competing against Christian Alliance International School (CAIS), scoring 33-13

U14 girls basketball

Girls basketball (U14) won the ISSFHK Basketball Girls fixture on Tuesday, competing against Christian Alliance International School (CAIS), scoring 33-14

U16 boys football

Boys football (U16) won the ISSFHK Football fixture on Wednesday, competing against Malvern College Hong Kong (MCHK), scoring 3-0. 

C Grade boys badminton

WIS C Grade Boys Badminton team won in a game against Victoria Shanghai Academy (VSA) 3 - 2.  After winning a closely-fought first game,  WIS dropped the next two games.  Our boys showed a lot of composure and went on to win the remaining two games in convincing fashion.

Student wins five swimming medals 

Last weekend, Year 11 student Owen Yeow Zheng Ren won five Medals–

Silver medal in 100 meter free in DII race

Bronze medal in 100 meter free in CIS race 

Bronze medal in 50 meter free in CIS race 

Gold medal in 200 meter free mix relay in CIS

Bronze medal in 200 meter Free boys relay in CIS

Model UN last weekend 

Sixteen Model United Nations students had a successful weekend at the HKISMUN, and for most students, it was their first conference.

Year 12 student Eli Sim said the debate topics ranged from addressing the European refugee crisis in ECOSOC to applying the UN's convention against torture on Syria in the International Court of Justice. 

Eli said:“In our current day and age, it has been more important than ever to keep track of international affairs and how they can affect us. MUN gives students an opportunity to become more internationally minded while also developing a wide variety of skills such as diplomacy, research and critical thinking. Overall, this experience has been helpful for students, enabling them to become better learners, leaders and communicators.” 

Year 10 student Chor Xi Tang said:“ Model United Nations in my opinion is one of the most fun and skill-developing CAS there is… I have attended 7 conferences, I can reliably say MUN has helped me develop confidence, public speaking skills, how to write well-concocted speeches, how to carry yourself when presenting a speech, the ability to recognize flaws in arguments and turn those into Points of Inquiry to direct them to the opposing delegate, and a lot more. 

Chor said his committee at the conference last weekend was the Historical Security Council, and the topic chosen by the Chairs (Judges) was the Ogaden War, a territorial dispute between Ethiopia and Somalia.

Year 12 student Andrew Zeng said: “In my committee, we debated the topics of reforming Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, and of implementing changes to the Schengen accession criteria…Overall, it was an extremely enjoyable weekend, connecting with like-minded students from schools all over Hong Kong and educating ourselves about the pressing global issues of the present. 

“The ability to analyse global issues, form judgements and solutions, and debate these viewpoints with others becomes increasingly important with the rise of social media and more polarised political systems. It is also a great opportunity to build self-confidence and develop your public speaking skills, and become a more well rounded student through having a broader understanding of the world,” Andrew said.

Pizza party after food drive 

At the end of November, a group of Year 10 students organised an Inter-Dynasty Canned Food Drive for Feeding HK. This involved students donating canned food for people in need and the tutor group who donated the most canned food would be rewarded with a pizza party. We are very proud to report that 7Q1 scored 130 points, which was more than double the second-place tutor group.  As a result of their efforts, 7Q1 enjoyed their pizza party yesterday. Congratulations to Jasmin Kaur 10H1, Zoe O’Donnel 10M2, Keira Slaughter 10Q1, Liyana Hussain 10M2, Ishina Khatri 10S2, and Martha Ali 10Y1 for organising this initiative. In total, WIS donated over 1,000 cans to Feeding HK. 

Higher Education and Careers 

University Visits @ WIS: Open for students only  (only for the Year 11s, 12s and 13s)


23 Jan 2024  - Time 01:20 pm to 02:05 pm | Venue: C402

HKU Space

26 Jan 2024 - Time 01:20 pm to 02:05 pm | Venue: C402

University of York 

30 Jan 2024 -  Time 01:20 pm to 02:05 pm | Venue: C402

Norwich University of Arts

31 January 2024 - Time: 10:45 am to 11:05 am | Venue: C402

For details on University Visits and Webinars, please Click Here

Year 13

The deadline for submitting university applications for Year 13 students in Hong Kong, the UK, Canada, and the US was December 1st. However, students who have not yet submitted their UK applications should aim to do so by Thursday, January 25th, 2024. If any students need assistance or guidance, they should contact their Higher Education Counselors as soon as possible.

Students have now started receiving conditional offers from the UK, Hong Kong, New Zealand, and the US. Some students have already received conditional offers from universities in the UK, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and the US.

Year 12 

The Higher Education team will be meeting with all Year 12 students after the Easter break for a one-to-one meeting to discuss the university application process.

Year 11

The Higher Education team will meet with all Year 11 students and parents between January 22nd and March 1st. The email and details were shared with students and families on Monday, January 15th.

Additionally, if a student has a class scheduled during the meeting time slot and cannot attend the class, they must send an email to their teacher and copy their counsellor.

Farewell to Chef Kwai 

After 15 years of service, Chef Kwai retires today from his job at West Island. He said he has been happy doing this job and liked West Island as a school. He also spoke fondly of West Island students, whom he said are well-mannered and sweet. 

Chef Kwai said:“I really adore them as well. When some of the students said they were hungry, I asked my colleague to give them extra rice, sauce and meat. Some of the students even came back to see me after they’d graduated.”

School decorated for CNY 

Thank you to our staff Simon Tai and Chi Cheung for decorating the school with various CNY decorations.