Newsletter-Friday, 26 January 2024

Dear West Island community,

The cold weather this week has not wavered our students’ passion for learning!

CAS (creativity, activity and service learning)  got off to a great start with over 130 activities on offer this term. Thank you to our teaching staff for providing such a rich variety of opportunities. 

As our Mental Health Week draws near and we reflect on our personal and collective well-being, we wanted to take this opportunity to feature our wonderful health professional team.  Anita Ngan joins West Island and alongside Victoria Curwell. They are equipped with a wealth of nursing experience to look after the health needs of our students.  To find out more about their roles, please read the interview below.   

On the theme of mental health, students and staff are planning WIS’s Mental Health Week, which begins on 26 February.  The focus is 'Mindset Matters', encouraging our community to consider how everyday activities can be beneficial for their wellbeing, rather than thinking they have to make huge lifestyle changes. 

As mentioned in last week's newsletter, on Thursday 29 February, we welcome external health professionals for a parent workshop and a panel Q&A. We invite you to fill in this form to indicate your interest in attending and any questions you may want to discuss with our expert panel.  If you want to explore more information on the topic of wellbeing, you are always welcome to access our wellbeing website

Hope you enjoy some rest over the weekend.

Clare Haworth

Interim Principal

Our students interviewed the WIS health professionals

Culture Week photos

photos by student photographer Christopher Teoh and WIS staff

Students perform at AIA Carnival 

The WIS bands had a fabulous time at the AIA Carnival last Sunday.

The student performers are: Hayley Graham, Magnus Wong, Jodian Law, Christen Lau, Bryan So, Nicholas Tran, Gabriel Yuen, Tasha Ngan, Madelyn Lee, Shing Li, Ayrton Tong, Kate Childs,  James Lee and Malik Cheuk. 

Student Bryan So  said:" The performance allows me to be a risk-taker as it is my first time performing in AIA, even though I am afraid I believe through perseverance and enough practice I am able to conquer that fear and deliver a wonderful show. "

A big shoutout to Kate Childs who found plenty of energy to perform after spending the night marshalling the Hong Kong 100 ultra-marathon as part of the scouts group.

Year 12 students in Hong Kong Young Physicists Tournament

Y12 students competing in the Hong Kong Young Physicists Tournament at Island School on Saturday 20th January. 

We had two teams participate consisting of: 

WIS1 - Kush Zingarde, Gabriel Yip, Sera Nissen, Ambrose To

WIS2 - Glen Ko, Gabby Chen, Chinny Kwok, Olicia Choy

WIS 1 finished 8th out of 14 teams which placed them in the Silver award group and WIS 2 finished 12th out of 14 which placed them in bronze. 

Competition was tough this year and has expanded since last year when we first competed. Next year West Island will host the competition in January 2025. 

Team one students said their team was very grateful for this opportunity to represent WIS at this year's HKYPT physics competition. Throughout this competition, they dove into certain phenomenon in the field of physics, overviewing theories and its supporting data, practicing research and information literacy skills. They learned to be versatile during discussion and apply what they researched articulately during our presentation and questions. 

Year 11s study urban land-use changes

Last Wednesday the year 11 Geography students spent the day studying the urban land-use changes across Hong Kong Island. They collected primary data including, pedestrian and traffic count and land-use change at four locations; Kennedy, Central, Tin Hau and Chai Wan. The data collected will be compared with geographical urban-land-use models to see if Hong Kong has similar patterns and characteristics.

Students and staff finish HK Marathon

Last Sunday, students Zoe Jane Cheng, Ryan Davies and Harry Suen ran in the Standard Charter Marathon.  

And the following staff members ran in the marathon.

Steve Rudall, a member of the I&S faculty, also ran the ultra-marathon HK 100. 

A huge well-done to all the staff and students for showing such a commitment to their health and wellbeing whilst being prepared to challenge themselves.

Year 8 Chemistry MYP Haiku Competition

Our year 8 scientists have been working on a Chemistry MYP unit and learning more about the periodic table and elements. Before the Christmas break, they all entered a competition to write and design an 'Element Haiku'. For those that do not know about this famous Japanese poetic form, it consists of three lines, with five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third. Students were asked to research their element so that the poem could include interesting applications or properties of their chosen element. The poem then needed to be enhanced with some artwork, and an explanation of the meaning of the poem.

This year the entries were of a very high standard, making judging particularly difficult, and many thanks to Fionna Mulholland and the English Faculty for helping out with choosing our 5 winners:

The winners each received a book token and their Haikus will be displayed in the science faculty. 

WIS Bazaar

Join our Cuisine Food stalls

We are looking for volunteers for a new Malaysia / South East Asian food stall - please come forward to work together to share in this new cuisine at the WIS Bazaar! If you like food from Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia sign up here.

Calling Southern Africans

We would like to create a boerewors roll stall in the Food Court at the WIS Bazaar! Please come forward to share ideas!! Contact Fiona on email or sign up on this form.

Calling Korean Families

We would love you to help to share one of the most popular cuisines! Join the Korean Food Stall, email or sign up on this form.

Donations of pre-loved Books, games, new goods

The PTA is starting to collect donations that can be sold at the WIS Bazaar on Saturday, 2nd March, 2024. 

Collection Point - Main office,6th Floor, during school hours, before Thursday, 22nd Feb 2024.

Kindly look into your closets, cupboards, shelves and donate 

Please note: The donations must be clean and in good condition for resale. 

Making a cash or in-kind donation $$$

You can indicate how you would like to contribute on this form:


This year, the donation could be made in two different ways:

1. If you have in kind donations (food to donate, baked goods, supplies for henna, face painting etc.) please let us know on the form.

2. You can make an EFT / Bank Transfer to West Island School: 
* HSBC Account number 111-146536-017 (Please email the receipt to so we can allocate your donations to the Bazaar) 


All proceeds of the Bazaar will go towards the 2023/2024 PTA fund for school improvement projects.

Any queries, please e-mail:

Sign up to volunteer on the day of the Bazaar 

There are over 200 volunteer opportunities to help at the Bazaar. You can offer your time on the day or bring in baked goods. Please follow this link.

Higher Education and Careers 

University Visits @ WIS: Open for students only  (only for the Year 11s, 12s and 13s)

University of York 

30 Jan 2024 -  Time 01:20 pm to 02:05 pm | Venue: C402

Norwich University of Arts

31 Jan 2024 - Time 10:45 am to 11:05a | Venue: C402

University of Exeter 

01 Feb 2024 - Time 01:20 pm to 02:05 pm | Venue: C402

For details on University Visits and Webinars, please Click Here

Year 13

Our students have now started receiving conditional offers from universities in the UK, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and the US.

Year 12 

The Higher Education team has commenced careers lessons with the Year 12 students. These lessons will be conducted once per cycle and are designed to support and prepare students for their university applications and the transition from high school to post-secondary.

Cycle 1 - we introduced the students to the department, provided them with the timeline for Years 12 and 13, outlined the objectives of the course, and discussed how to research universities and courses. The slides have been shared with students via the google classroom and with parents on email.

Cycle 2 - we gave an overview of international applications, the application procedure, platforms and ways to do research for countries such as The UK, US, Hong Kong and Canada.

On January 29th, we will be having a session on “Applying to the US” for students who may be interested in the US.

The Higher Education team supports students with applications to all countries. Students are requested to reach out to their Higher Education Counsellors for any advice or support required.

The Higher Education team will be meeting with all Year 12 students after the Easter break for a one-to-one meeting to discuss the university application process.

Year 11

The Higher Education team is in the process of meeting with all Year 11 students and parents. The email and details were shared with students and families on Monday, January 15th. Request parents to please book your meetings with the counsellors if you have not done so already.

Additionally, if a student has a class scheduled during the meeting time slot and cannot attend, they must send an email to their teacher and copy their counsellor

ESF Explore

Don't worry if you missed the beginning of Term 2, it's never too late to join our programmes and kick off your year with a fresh learning experience through our amazing activities. We offer Basketball, Tennis, Football, Gymnastics and Spanish at Kennedy School and West Island School. Check out the programme schedule here. 

Pre-16 student uniform guidelines

It has been a cold week and we hope that students have stayed warm wearing some additional layers.

As the weather begins to warm after the weekend, it is an expectation that all Pre-16 students return to wearing the expected school and PE uniform. Please click here to see our school uniform policy for your reference.

Our pastoral team will be greeting the students from Monday and throughout next week to speak to anyone who needs some additional guidance to wear the correct school uniform.