Newsletter-Friday, 1 March 2024

WIS Bazaar is 


Enjoy the Food and Fun at our Spectacular WIS Bazaar

We can’t wait to see you tomorrow at 11am. You can collect your pre-ordered WI$ Coupons and then go down to the opening ceremony at 11:30 a.m. Bands and music will fill the day while you shop and eat delicious treats!!

Additional WI$ coupons will be available for purchase at the Bazaar with cash or Octopus. The WI$ Coupons are sold in WI$100 booklets.

WIS PTA aims for a cashless environment for the Bazaar. Only WI$ Coupons will be accepted for most transactions (including international food stalls, books, toys, and games, etc)  at the Bazaar.

Please note: 

1. The Market stalls from outside vendors will accept cash/their own regular methods of payment.

3. There will be no refund for unused WI$ coupons as they are donations to the school.

5. Food items at the Bazaar will mostly be in the range of $20~$70 per serving, and the games are about $10~$50 per game. Hope these numbers help you guesstimate the amount you need to bring.

Dear West Island community,

We value individual and collective well-being within our community.  This year's Mental Health Week was centred around the theme of 'Mindset Matters'Whilst all facets of well-being feature in our pastoral programme, wider learning and student workshops during the year, we used the week to shine a spotlight on the practical shifts we can make to look after ourselves and others. 

Thank you to Ms Saffron Brown, Ms Katrina Wong, Mr Kenny Chan, Ms Charlotte Ho and the student health ambassadors for working together to organise and lead a range of activities centred around 'five ways to wellbeing',  enabling us to tune in, connect, learn and find ways to be active and get involved in service.  Also, thank you to the parents who joined us for the workshops led by health professionals on Thursday.  Today, over $12,000HKD has been raised as part of the week's fundraising. Thank you to all who wore green and donated to charity. Please read on to find out more about what the week offered. 

A key aspect of well-being is connecting with others, and tomorrow we will be doing just that as we welcome all of you into WIS for our annual WIS Bazaar. The fun starts at 11 a.m. right as you walk into the school. The day will feature a wide range of VR games, inflatables and makeover activities, food stalls with a selection of mouthwatering cuisines and delectable treats from around the world, and a wide range of market stalls carrying merchandise from around the world. 

Community members, family and friends, we look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Best wishes

Clare Haworth

Interim Principal

Mental Health Week video

Mental Health Week photos

Photos by WIS staff and student photographer Oscar Yan

Year 11 Evening of Drama 

On Tuesday 27th Feb, Year 11 IGCSE Drama students (Vienna Singh, Max Marthinussen, Gianni Bizos, Lola Davis, Michael Chan,  Amani Thambi, Gloria Kwok, Mel Moore, Ashton Ip and Charlotte Chan) performed a selection of their coursework pieces for their parents and peers. This was a fantastic showcase of their practical skills including performing repertoire and creating original works and included solo performances, an original devised performance and an extract from Jim Cartwright's Two

Students shortlisted for the Design Hatch Award X PoliU HK

Congratulations to Year 11 students Alena Cheng and Mia Lam for being shortlisted for the Design Hatch Award X PoliU HK.

The Design Hatch Award is a design competition that aims to inspire all secondary design students to think creatively and develop ideas that can positively impact society.

The students were invited to design anything related to the theme of happiness using any software and tool of their choice. Alena and Mia chose to submit their work under the communication design category, where they worked on a new Hong Kong-based charity, they Re-Food. The charity aims to redistribute food to those in need. Alena and Mia came up with the initial idea, name, brand strategy, and identity for the charity and its website. They submitted their work with an outstanding brand deck showcasing not only their excellent design work but also their ability to effectively and visually communicate a piece of branding and web design that responds to a design brief. 

Student wins third place in Geography competition

Congratulations to Andrea Li who achieved third place in the Geographical Association Physical Geography competition. Students were challenged to take a photo that demonstrated the 'Mobile Earth' along with 250 words that explained what the photo revealed about the Earth. Andrea beat Geography students from around the world - congratulations! You can see Andrea's photo, her 250 words and the judge's feedback here.

Author gives writing workshops to students

Ms Sara Hirsch, author of the book, Louder than words, visited West Island School students (Years 7 to 10) on 29th Feb 2024 (Thursday). Hirsch delivered writing workshops to Yr 7 and Yr 9 and talking to Yr 8 and Yr 10 about understanding and unlocking poetry. It was great to learn first-hand how poetry is crafted and created, made all the more engaging and exciting by Sara's slam poetry delivery style.

Boys-U20A badminton team wins

Boys badminton(U20A) won the ISSFHK Badminton Boys fixture on Tuesday, competing against Sha Tin College, scoring 3-2

Photos by student photographer Christopher Teoh

Year 11 parent webinar

Dear Y11 Parents,

We are excited to announce a Y11 parent webinar, focussing on what you can do to support your children in the run up to their final GCSE exams. You will be given advice based on the latest neuro-science and educational research. The keynote speaker at the webinar will be Kirun Goy, see bio below. I have personally attended many of Kirun’s workshops and find them inspiring and full of practical and pragmatic advice. 

On the same day Y11 students will have a workshop with Kirun where they will learn the 5 biggest traps GCSE students fall into around stress, time management and exam skills, as well as science-based tools that they can use immediately to avoid them.

Date: Thursday 14 March, 2024

Time: 7pm 

Unfortunately the Webinar cannot be recorded due to copyright issues.

Sign up HERE

Kirun’s Bio

Kirun’s expertise sits at the intersection of the brain, education and leadership. Over the last 12 years, Kirun has delivered live workshops and coaching programs to over 90,000 people across the world instilling 21st century skills such as learning skills, productivity, wellbeing and leadership. He also hosts BrainTools, a podcast that over 59,000 people have listened to in 100 countries. Each episode breaks down a leadership topic through a psychological and neuroscientific lens, sharing science-based tools for students, teachers and leaders to flourish. He is a Leadership Facilitator for Harvard Business Publishing. 

Gift card donation update

Meaningful service is defined by meeting the authentic and genuine needs of a community. We were delighted to be able to support our Community Partner, the Center for Refugees, when they asked for our support in collecting gift cards that can be given to their clients to enable them to buy much needed clothing. The gift card drive had the added benefit of providing the clients with dignity and autonomy as they do not have the disposable income to buy new clothing. 

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the gift card drive; you generously donated 45 gift cards with an approximate value of $4500 which the center will distribute to their clients on our behalf.


Student University offers

Congratulations to Digital Design students Angus Bruce and Indy Colvert on receiving their first set of University offers. Angus has been offered scholarships for two institutions meanwhile Indy has received an unconditional offer! A fantastic reflection of their outstanding work on the course.

Meanwhile, our Engineering pathway students Edward Lowe and Aurelien Toucas have received offers to study Computer Science and St Andrews as well as studying opportunities in both Canada and the Netherlands.


Much like the IB Diploma Programme the IB Career-related Programme features an area of core study, let’s take a quick look at it.

Reflective Project

This is an independent research project where students investigate and analyse a real-world issue or problem, demonstrating their critical thinking, research skills, and ability to reflect on their learning journey. Typically students write a 3000 word essay for this.


Personal and professional skills (PPS) is a component that aims to develop students' personal qualities, interpersonal skills, and professional attributes through a range of activities, including work experience, internships, and reflective practices, to prepare them for their future careers or further education.

Service Learning. (SL) 

Service learning is an educational approach that combines academic learning with community service. It aims to provide students with practical experiences, develop their skills, and promote social responsibility by engaging them in meaningful projects that address real-world issues.

Lang Development

Language development focuses on enhancing students' communication skills and fostering multilingualism. It involves studying languages, engaging in linguistic activities, and promoting cultural understanding to prepare students for effective communication in a global context.

What are our Year 12 students currently working on?


In business, students have just completed the finance unit.  We have started working on refining presentation skills.  This is in preparation for Unit 7-Business Decision Making, the Pearson Set assignment.  Students are conducting research using reliable sources, creating presentation slides and practising how to speak in front of an audience effectively.  In this unit, students will be expected to examine two different business options, find evidence and provide recommendations.  The report will be supported by a presentation that provides their reasoning, an analysis of the options and a justified recommendation.

Digital Design:

Year 12 Digital Design students are currently working on a travel board game project. The design restrictions in this unit encourages students to be creative with their final outcomes to produce innovative products using a range of skills such as digital illustration, character development and UI/UX design.


Subsidiary Engineers are currently Designing a Raspberry Pi Picco case and a Sheet metal LED light in their CAD unit using Fusion 360.

Diploma Engineers are currently learning about Moulding Processes, one of which is sand casting where we are recycling aluminium cans and melting them to create bases for soldering workstations. 

Extended Engineers are currently fine honing their secondary machining skills using the Centre lathes and Milling Machine in order to produce a spinning top and display box. 

Performing Arts:

Students are working on Unit A2: Creating Performance Material. They are practically exploring the genre of Applied Theatre. As a Theatre in Education ensemble, they are devising original material exposing themes of acceptance, judgement and our internal dialogues. The outcome will be a TIE performance for Kennedy School students.


BTEC Sport students are exploring the health and well-being industry, participation groups and movement opportunities before they commence a synoptic assessment. A scenario will link these topics together, giving the students a respective role for example, a gym manager to research and raise participation in a physical activity and to improve the lifestyles of those involved in physical activity.

Higher Education and Careers

University Visits @ WIS: Open for students only  (only for the Year 11s, 12s and 13s)

University of Twente

8 March 2024 -  Time 01:20 pm to 02:05 pm | Venue: C402

Durham University

18 March 2024 -  Time 01:20 pm to 02:05 pm | Venue: C402

University of Calgary

20 March 2024 -  Time 01:20 pm to 02:05 pm | Venue: C402

Keele University

21 March 2024 -  Time 01:20 pm to 02:05 pm | Venue: C402

For details on University Visits and Webinars, please click Here

For more details on External events and Summer programmes please visit the school website

Year 13

Our students are receiving conditional offers from universities in the UK, New Zealand, Hong Kong, the US, and other countries.

Year 12 

Careers Lessons

Cycle 1 - we introduced the students to the department, provided them with the timeline for Years 12 and 13, outlined the objectives of the course, and discussed how to research universities and courses. The slides have been shared with students via Google Classroom and to parents by email.

Cycle 2 - we gave an overview of international applications, the application procedure, and platforms and ways to research for countries such as The UK, US, Hong Kong, and Canada. 

Cycle 3 - we introduced students to choosing universities and factors to consider when choosing one. We also introduced them to the Reach-Match-Safety strategy.

Cycle 4 - students used the Reach-Match-Safety strategy and worked on their university list.

The HE team supports students with applications to all countries. Students are requested to reach out to their Higher Education Counsellors for any advice or support required.

The HE team is now in the process of scheduling meetings with the Year 12 students to discuss their university applications and their university list.

Year 11

The HE team is now in the process of completing all meetings with the Year 11 students and families regarding the post-16 options. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact your HE counsellor.

Year 7 to Year 13 

The HE Department will be hosting “Coffee and College” Session 1 on Thursday, March 7th. Please register for this event as the registration closes tonight!

Sports kit ordering details

Please click here for details about sports kit ordering.